From love, jealousy, greed and betrayal to mad kings, magic and murder, geraldine mccaughrean retells some of shakespeare s bestknown stories, including romeo and juliet, henry. Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean books. Section 10 short comprehending tasks wordcraft to read without reflecting is like eating without digesting edmund burke, author and orator 17291797 reading a book is like rewriting it for yourself. Here he picks out his 10 favourite shakespeare books for children on the eve of the bards 450th.
Compiled by tony bradman, this collection of short stories chronicles the events of world war one imagining the conflicts and emotions of those people caught up in the war and its aftermath. From stories from shakespeare, by geraldine mccaughrean, dolphin paperbacks, london, 2001, pp 103104 wordcraft 9. Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean goodreads. Geraldine mccaughrean was born in england, where she studied theater and began writing her versions of traditional texts such as the canterbury tales and shakespeares plays. This chatterbooks activity pack for shakespeare week 2016 contains details of books for young. Geraldine mccaughrean is one of todays most successful and highly regarded childrens authors.
A prolific author who writes for all ages, she lives in berkshire with her family. Romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, a midsummer nights dream, julius caesar, hamlet, twelfth night, othello, king lear, macbeth a. Bold, clear retellings of ten of shakespeare s most popular and brilliant plays are. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms. I was curious about some of the drink members out of this story from meaning the point of view of the white house and you would learn that there the extra other ideas seem to be the quality. Bailey will judge the stories and choose the one that is the most entertaining. Geraldine mccaughrean has won many awards for her brilliant versions of classic texts. This sumptuous take on the classic nativity story, with enduring prose and opulent, stylish illustrations, is a wonderful family keepsake and a delight to read alone or aloud in homes, schools and churches. Stories from shakespeare geraldine mccaughrean pan macmillan. Knowing this, it is clear that the canterbury tales is not a complete work. Buy stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean online at alibris. A first encounter with shakespeare a successful introduction to shakespeare at primary school will pay rich dividends both now and later. The main characters of this classics, fiction story are.
The canterbury tales 9780140380538 by geoffrey chaucer, geraldine mccaughrean. Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean waterstones. This is one of the oldest stories in the world, and its about many things that still matter to us today. These notes include a brief introduction to the author of each story, a synopsis of the shakespeare play the story was inspired by, a synopsis. Stories from shakespeare geraldine mccaughrean yumpu. From love, jealousy, greed and betrayal to mad kings, magic and murder, geraldine mccaughrean retells some of shakespeare s bestknown stories, including romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, a midsummer nights dream, julius caesar, hamlet, twelfth night, othello, king lear, macbeth and. Feb 14, 2017 from love, jealousy, greed and betrayal to mad kings, magic and murder, geraldine mccaughrean retells some of shakespeare s bestknown stories, including romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, a midsummer nights dream, julius caesar, hamlet, twelfth night, othello, king lear, macbeth and the tempest. The book was published in multiple languages including english, consists of 982 pages and is available in paperback format.
From the collaborators behind greek myths and greek gods and goddesses, roman myths retold by geraldine mccaughrean, illus. In stories from shakespeare, marchette chute opens wide the gateway to the most varied and glorious world ever created by one man. However, i was disappointed, as stories is a nice retelling, but doesnt use shakespeare s wonderful language. Texts stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean mr william shakespeares plays, seven plays by marcia williams planning and activities day 1 teaching read act 1 scene 1 of macbeth together and work out some of the challenging vocabulary. Shakespeare, in a form so simple that children can understand and enjoy them, was the object had in view by the author of these beautiful stories from shakespeare. Geraldine mccaughrean books list of books by author. Buy stories from shakespeare book online at best prices in india on. It features a family antique shop whose new salesman tells historical tales to sell antiques.
Geraldine mccaughrean childrens literature novels scribd. She has written over 120 books, 50 short plays for schools, and a radio play. She has won the carnegie medal, the whitbread childrens book award three times, the guardian childrens fiction prize, the smarties bronze award four times and the blue peter book of the year award. We have both books and couldnt be without them to read with our son before any shakespeare play. This is probably better for advanced or older readers, since the vocabulary can be. Here, alison chaplin describes a series of activities that offer ways in to a play using both retellings and shakespeares own words. Mccaughrean is particularly interested in biblical, mythical and legendary stories, and is the author of many retellings of these traditional tales, from greek myths to noahs ark to shakespeare and chaucer. Each story is inspired by or based on a play by william shakespeare. Geraldine mccaughrean wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia. She studied at christ church college of education, canterbury and worked in a london publishing house for 10 years before becoming a fulltime writer in 1988. Shakespeare classic plays year 6 english lesson plans.
Her goal was to retell these challenging texts in language that young readers could enjoy and understand. Avaliable format in pdf, epub, mobi, kindle, ebook and audiobook. A lively, humorous retelling for children of geoffrey chaucers canterbury tales, by awardwinning author geraldine mccaughrean. They have opened the world of shakespearean theatre to our young son which has made the path so much easier to understanding the language and history of the stories of this playwright.
The canterbury tales by geoffrey chaucer, geraldine mccaughrean and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. With stories from malorie blackman, geraldine mccaughrean and oisin mcgann, among others, this anthology will be treasured for generations. Her retellings of all thirtysix first folio plays are superbly lucid. Geraldine mccaughrean was born in 1951 and brought up in north london. There are some good versions by leon garfield, by e nesbit who was writing about a hundred years ago, things like the railway children, and five children and it, but remains a very good teller of stories for children and by geraldine mccaughrean. Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean, 9780435125035, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide.
A sample of shakespeare s language shakespeare s language is probably one of the most difficult aspects of his work to explore. Greek myths geraldine mccaughrean, author, geraldine mccaughrean, retold by, emma chichester clark, illustrator margaret k. From stories from shakespeare, by geraldine mccaughrean. Geraldine mccaughrean s breathtakingly evocative prose brings new life to the familiar stories. According to the rules conveyed by the host, there would have been 120 tales 30 pilgrims each telling four stories. After rereading geraldine mccaughrean s truly truly. Shakespeare retold is a series of ten stories written by wellknown childrens authors. The first edition of the novel was published in 800, and was written by anonymous. Geraldine mccaughrean author of peter pan in scarlet. Geraldine mccaughreans novels and retellings for children have won her the carnegie medal, guardian childrens fiction award, whitbread. Pdf download ten tales from shakespeare dover children s evergreen. Shakespeare retold is a series of ten stories written by wellknown. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world.
Buy geraldine mccaughrean ebooks to read online or download in pdf or epub on your pc, tablet or mobile device. And that the youngest readers may not stumble in pronouncing any unfamiliar names to be met with in the stories, the editor has prepared and. From love, jealousy, greed and betrayal to mad kings, magic and murder, geraldine mccaughrean retells some of shakespeares bestknown stories, including romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, a midsummer nights dream, julius caesar, hamlet, twelfth night, othello, king lear, macbeth and the tempest. Top 10 shakespeare books for children childrens books the. Here she retells the ten shakespeare plays children are most likely to.
This is the story of macbeth, whose name is so unlucky that people avoid. A story of roman planning and construction macaulay, david. The canterbury tales by geraldine mccaughrean abebooks. Macbeth and other stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean paperback, 1997 at the best online prices at ebay. Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean alibris. Read or download stories from shakespeare book by geraldine mccaughrean. Find stories from shakespeare by mccaughrean, geraldine at biblio. Buy a cheap copy of gilgamesh the hero book by geraldine mccaughrean. Sep 01, 2011 buy great stories from british history by mccaughrean, geraldine, brassey, richard isbn. Apr 22, 2014 shakespeare stories author andrew matthews fell in love with shakespeare when he was 11yearsold. She has written over 150 books, 50 short plays for schools, and a radio play.
Apr 24, 2000 these stories of shakespeare s play are excellent. Ten of shakespeare s greatest plays, retold for children by multiaward winning author geraldine mccaughrean. Buy stories from shakespeare book online at low prices in. A soldiers tale by geraldine mccaughrean read by david gyasi.
Stories from shakespeare by geraldine mccaughrean retells the stories ten of the most famous plays and includes quotations from. About the author 1997 geraldine mccaughreans novels and retellings for children have won her the carnegie medal, guardian childrens fiction award, whitbread award and the beefeater award. Pdf world war one short stories download full pdf book. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. So begins the assortment of tales from such varied characters as the knight, the wife of bath, the miller and many more. Section 10 short comprehending tasks wordcraft to read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. A poem and a short story, for example, are both texts. These titles include stories from shakespeare, heroes, the golden. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. Js wilby has a perfect shakespearean voice and seems to enjoy being the vehicle for retelling the stories of romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, othello, julius caesar, and others.
In this well crafted volume, geraldine mccaughrean takes ten of shakespeare s best loved plays and recrafts them into exciting stories for for teenagers and young adults, recapturing the narratives, events and characters of each shakespeare story. Get it today with same day delivery, order pickup or. See all books authored by geraldine mccaughrean, including one thousand and one arabian nights, and the kite rider, and more on. With striking, fullcolor pictures, an abundance of familia. The caterbury tales retold by geraldine mccughrean by. Here she retells the ten shakespeare plays children are most likely to come across. Geraldine mccaughrean s stories from shakespeare 1994. The stories are intended as a very light introduction to some of the characters and themes found in shakespeares plays and have been written to appeal to children at ks2. Romeo and juliet, henry the fifth, a midsummer nights dream, julius caesar, hamlet, twelfth night, othello, king lear, macbeth and the tempest. Stories from shakespeare geraldine mccaughrean bold, clear retellings of ten.
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